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Call Us +353 61 368100|info@carrigoranhouse.ie

‘Enchanted Evening


The Health and Wellness Centre

Carrigoran House, Newmarket-on-Fergus

Cordially invite you to an

Enchanted Evening

A choral recital followed by cheese and wine  

  on Friday 12th February at 7pm.

Participating Choirs

Newmarket-on-Fergus Church Choir

Sixmilebridge/Kilmurry Choir

Forever Young Singers

The Wylde Roses Choir 

  Carrigoran Singers

‘Enchanted Evening2016-01-27T11:10:28+00:00

Living Crib

The Living Crib at Carrigoran House was a great attraction for both young and Old. A big thank you to Muse Productions and The Shannon and District Lion Club for the support in mounting this event.



Mary Joseph Crib 2





Group Criblambs

White Donkey

Living Crib2019-08-30T11:13:23+01:00
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